The British Invasion: UK-Based NA Beers Now Available in the USA

NA beer in Europe has always been ahead of the game compared to the United States. Fortunately, the US is catching up.

The rise in popularity of non-alcoholic beer can be attributed to increased awareness of its benefits, as well as a growing offering of amazing American NA beer.

Most NA beer available in the United States was born and raised on American soil. However, as our demand for non-alcoholic beer has grown, a few foreign brewers have moved in to help quench our thirst.

A lot of this new, delicious beer immigrated from our mother country, the UK.

We wanted to showcase some of the best British brews that are now available here in the US. To help us out, we’ve turned to our UK-based, AF beer reviewing, friends at NoLo Beverage for the final verdict on which of these brews us Americans should try first. They even did the same for American NA brews available in the UK.

Big Drop Brewing Company

Big Drop Brewing Company first established themselves back in August of 2016. Big Drop was solely in the UK for a while, but recently launched operations in the United States, Canada, Australia, and Russia.

Big Drop currently offers three amazing styles of NA beer in the US: a pale ale, an IPA, and even a stout.

Paradiso IPA radiates citrusy flavor with a touch of bitterness.

The Pine Trail Pale Ale emits rosy, floral aromas with a slight limey, citrus bite.

The Galactic Milk Stout is rich, decadent, and definitely has a “wow-factor” worth trying.

Each of these beers has received rave reviews, so don’t take our word for it. See what our friends at NoLo Beverage have to say about the Pine Trail Pale Ale and the Galactic Milk Stout.



Brewdog has been a leader in the US NA beer market. We love them because they traditionally brew regular, alcoholic beer but have NA versions available for their most popular brews.

Originally out of Aberdeen, Scotland, Brewdog opened up their US headquarters in our hometown of Columbus, Ohio.

They started with just one non-alcoholic beer offering with Nanny State (read a review of Nanny State), Brewdog now offers an NA (or AF for alcohol-free) counterpart to their best selling brews:

They even do collaborations with local companies and even popular metal bands to make unique non-alcoholic brews like the Triple Ripple NA Coffee Stout and the Ghost Walker IPA.

Hopefully, this list will continue to grow as more Americans experience the benefits of NA beer. So if you live in the USA and want to check out these, and other great NA beers, you have a growing list of options of where to buy NA beer in the US.


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