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Hofbrauhaus Wolters 0,0

brewed by Hofbrauhaus Wolters

NA Beer Quick Facts - Hofbrauhaus Wolters 0,0











About Hofbrauhaus Wolters 0,0

Hofbrauhaus Wolters, established in 1627, stands as one of Northern Germany’s most venerable breweries. Its foundation rests on a commitment to uphold Germany’s stringent brewing standards, a tradition it has maintained throughout its storied history.

The brewery’s crest embodies its guiding principles: “Immota Fides” (Unwavering Loyalty) and “Nec Aspera Terrent” (They are Afraid of Nothing). These mottos reflect the resilience and dedication that Hofbrauhaus Wolters has shown since its inception.

Over the centuries, Hofbrauhaus Wolters has evolved into one of the most modern breweries in the region. This modernization is marked by the adoption of cutting-edge technologies and the expertise of highly qualified brewers. The brewery’s unwavering commitment to quality is further evidenced by its strict adherence to the German Purity Law of 1516, a benchmark for excellence in brewing.

A key component of their brewing process is the use of ingredients sourced exclusively from Germany, ensuring their purity and quality. Notably, the brewery utilizes the pristine waters of the Harz mountain range, known for its optimal brewing qualities. This water, free from environmental pollutants and unwanted minerals, is crucial in crafting the distinct and high-quality beers that Hofbrauhaus Wolters is renowned for.

Under the stewardship of Iron Horse Beverages, Hofbrauhaus Wolters continues to blend tradition with innovation, creating beers that not only honor their rich history but also meet the highest standards of modern brewing.

About Hofbrauhaus Wolters

Braunschweig, Germany

Hofbrauhaus Wolters, established in 1627, stands as one of Northern Germany’s most venerable breweries. Its foundation rests on a commitment to uphold Germany’s stringent brewing standards, a tradition it has maintained throughout its storied history.

The brewery’s crest embodies its guiding principles: “Immota Fides” (Unwavering Loyalty) and “Nec Aspera Terrent” (They are Afraid of Nothing). These mottos reflect the resilience and dedication that Hofbrauhaus Wolters has shown since its inception.

Over the centuries, Hofbrauhaus Wolters has evolved into one of the most modern breweries in the region. This modernization is marked by the adoption of cutting-edge technologies and the expertise of highly qualified brewers. The brewery’s unwavering commitment to quality is further evidenced by its strict adherence to the German Purity Law of 1516, a benchmark for excellence in brewing.

A key component of their brewing process is the use of ingredients sourced exclusively from Germany, ensuring their purity and quality. Notably, the brewery utilizes the pristine waters of the Harz mountain range, known for its optimal brewing qualities. This water, free from environmental pollutants and unwanted minerals, is crucial in crafting the distinct and high-quality beers that Hofbrauhaus Wolters is renowned for.

Under the stewardship of Iron Horse Beverages, Hofbrauhaus Wolters continues to blend tradition with innovation, creating beers that not only honor their rich history but also meet the highest standards of modern brewing.

NA Beer Ratings - Hofbrauhaus Wolters 0,0

Community Reviews







Reviewed by 03 customer(s)

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  • js

    Exactly what a great German Pilsner should;d taste like

    IMHO this beer emulates a really great Pilsner German beer (& I lived there for 7 years so I know). It is not a beer that hits you in the face with over amped flavors, but what it does have, it does very well. When you pour a glass it will have a light golden color with a beautiful carved head (kinda like the moguls on a ski run). Now I’m going to mention what the empty glass smells like after you’ve finished it. It smells like there was a beer in there, that’s how it smells. When you drink it, it’s not bite ie at all, but you can taste the barley, malts & hops beautifully blended for a great beer taste (all in accordance with the German Purity law) with nothing else going on to get fancy. What does this mean? It taste like a really great German beer with alcohol removed, but without denting any flavor. Highly recommended!

    February 7, 2024
  • Jason Jeffries

    Crisp Pilsner

    Very refreshing Pilsner. I little sour at the start but mellows as you drink it. Perfect summer grilling beer.

    January 10, 2024
  • Steve & Tiffany Forrest

    Pilsin’ in the name of!

    I’m not really a big Pilsner fan, but there are those certain occasions where it is a refreshing delight. This particular non alcoholic Pilsner is a bit sour at first, but then does mellow out as you go. It finishes nice enough with a slightly metallic aftertaste, and reminds me of something similar to a Coors light.
    Any Pilsner fan I’m sure would enjoy it a bit more than I did but all in all I don’t think it was a bad effort.

    January 9, 2024

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Where to Buy Hofbrauhaus Wolters 0,0

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