Is Non-Alcoholic Beer Just for Sober People?

Non-Alcoholic beer is just a lesser alternative for the real stuff, right?

No one would drink NA beer unless they legally, medically, or physiologically were unable to drink regular, leaded beer, correct?

As the idea of NA beer is starting to become more popular, this misconception is commonly voiced, even throughout communities that support the consumption of NA beer.

Honestly, for a while, it wasn’t really far from the truth.

NA Beer Options Used to Be Limited

Up until recently, craft non-alcoholic beer wasn’t widely available in the United States. NA beer options were pretty limited and didn’t taste particularly good.

If you went to a restaurant or grocery store, the only NA beer available would be some dusty bottles that had been sitting on the shelf for months. 

Dusty Bottles of Old NA Beer

It could be argued that, since the NA beer wasn’t really that good, the only people who wanted to drink it were those who craved beer but had to resort to the next best alternative.

The United States’ Options for Great NA Beer is Growing

Since then, Non-alcoholic beer has come a long way. The U.S. has been blessed by plenty of amazing craft NA beers and breweries.

NA beer drinkers used to have just a handful of options, but today the number of brews available are plentiful and they continue to grow.

With the growing variety and number of options, there just simply isn’t room for mediocre NA beer anymore.

So now that NA beer is good, does it need to be just for those who can’t drink the real stuff?

Non-Alcoholic Beer Can be Just as Good

Craft NA beer is pretty darn close to the real stuff these days. Which means that it doesn’t have to just be an alternative.

In fact, we’d argue that NA beer can be a supplement to craft beer.

A lot of regular beer lovers are turning to NA beer to help them live day-to-day. Not as a replacement, but as a way for them to enjoy more beer without dealing with the aftermath of drinking too much alcohol.

Beer Lovers Should Enjoy NA Beer Too

Beer is delicious. But it sometimes slips away from you.

You’re out at the bar going drink for drink with your friends. They all do one more and you know you probably shouldn’t given you have to drive home.

You’re with clients trying to close a deal. You want to entertain them and keep the conversation going but the beers just seem to keep disappearing. You don’t want to cut the night short by stopping early, but you also don’t want to be hungover while back at work the next day, or make a drunken fool of yourself.

An NA beer might be a good idea in these situations.

You still get to enjoy a beer, but you understand your limits. Afterall, you’re an adult and this isn’t college anymore. The party doesn’t have to stop, but the hangovers, DUIs, and drunken stupors probably should.

What's the point of non-alcoholic beer - people cheers with non alcoholic craft beer

Is Non-Alcoholic Beer Just for Sober People?

So the answer is, NO, non-alcoholic beer isn’t just for “sober” people. Beer lovers are encouraged to try the great NA beers available today and see what the buzz is about.

If you love beer and don’t want to ruin your relationship with it, give NA beer a try. There are plenty of places to buy NA beer online or pickup at your local grocery store or watering hole.

If you have someone in your life who you think would benefit from supplementing NA beer into their drinking routine, give them the gift of NA beer for the holidays, their birthday, or just because.

Once you see how great craft NAs can be, you’ll change your entire perspective on it.

Now get out there and enjoy some beer!

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