4 Famous NA Beer Drinkers

The world of non-alcoholic beer is exploding. Many of us want to relax and enjoy a beer without the negative effects of alcohol – whether it be dependency issues, hangovers, or health concerns. It helps too that breweries all around the United States are beginning to brew great non-alcoholic craft beers.

Celebrities are joining the movement and showing affection for non-alcoholic beer. Here’s a list of four celebrities who drink NA beer.

Dax Shepard

Dax Shepard is a long-time recoveree of alcohol addiction and enjoys his alcohol-free lifestyle with NA beer. Supposedly, he has been such an inspiration for his two girls that they’ve been caught sneaking a sip once or twice because it makes them feel closer to their dad.

For the record, we do not recommend giving your NA beer to your children 🙂

George W Bush

A notorious drinker until the day after his 40th birthday, the 43rd president ditched alcohol altogether. Bush has been spotted enjoying a non-alcoholic beverage on occasion, and remains sober to this day.

It’s even reported that Buckler was the president’s beer-of-choice readily available at the White House during his term.

Mike Pence

The former vice-president reportedly does not drink alcohol. According to his wife, Karen, he enjoys unwinding at the end of the day with a slice of thin crust supreme pizza and an O’Douls.

Lance Armstrong drinks non-alcoholic beer

Lance Armstrong

Although we have not confirmed that Lance Armstrong is a regular drinker of non-alcoholic beer, he is a prominent investor in the craft NA beer market alongside football star JJ Watt.


The list continues to grow as the idea of non-alcoholic beer becomes more widely accepted.

If you’re a regular NA beer drinker, or would like to give it a try, you can shop our wide variety of NA beer or check out our monthly subscription offerings.

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