Dry January Doesn’t Have to Be Over

Dry January Doesn’t Have to Be Over

We hope you had a great Dry January… whether you stayed dry the whole month, cut back a little bit, or didn’t participate at all. Maybe you learned a lot about yourself and your relationship with alcohol. Or maybe you feel like you could’ve done...
It’s OK to Not Participate in Dry January

It’s OK to Not Participate in Dry January

If you haven’t heard, it’s Dry January. A self-imposed challenge where people try to abstain from drinking alcohol for the month of January. Millions of people across the globe choose to participate in Dry January as a healthy way to start the new year....
How Long does NA Beer Last?

How Long does NA Beer Last?

If you are, or were, a regular drinker of NA beer, you may notice that it doesn’t seem to stay fresh as long as regular, leaded beer. So how long does NA beer last? What is the typical shelf-life for a non-alcoholic beer to stay fresh? What makes NA beer...